Gpx track

Gpx track of the route to import your route on your GPS

Route map

Pdf A4 with the route map and elevation profile

Route elevation profile

Png picture of the route elevation profile

Elevation profile points

Elevation profile points to create your own elevation chart

Table of points of interest

List of points of interest which can be imported into a spreadsheet


This is a race to set foot in the stirrup and enjoy the beautiful scenery! With a route of 19km and 1000m D + the main difficulty lies in the very beginning of course with the climb to the Lake Ouillette, little gem perched at 2500m and stunning views of Val d'Isere. After making the turn, we descend through the valley of Laisinant to the village of Le Fornet, we take the trail to the Cret Balconies and then through the forest of Balme to reach the finish.